Sumatra Journal of Disaster, Geography and Geography Education <p><strong>&nbsp;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</strong></p> <p>&nbsp; <img style="float: left;" src="/public/site/images/admin/cover-oke-bosstrap-pakai.png" alt="" width="322" height="404"><img src="/public/site/images/admin/sumatera.png" alt="" width="400" height="18"></p> <p><strong>ISSN&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp; 2580 - 4030&nbsp;</strong>&nbsp; &nbsp; ( Print )&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <strong>2580 - 1775</strong>&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; ( Online)<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;<br><strong>Frequency&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;:&nbsp;</strong>&nbsp; &nbsp;Semi-anually (2 issues per year)<br><br><strong>Nature&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;:</strong>&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Print &amp; Online&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;<br><br><strong>Submission E-mail&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;:</strong>&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;<br><br><strong>Language of Publication&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;:</strong> English&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;<br><br><strong>Editor In Chief&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;:</strong> Dr.Dedi Hermon</p> <p><a href=";1495613031&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="/public/site/images/admin/barcode.png" alt="" width="332" height="127"></a></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p style="background-color: #fffbce; text-align: justify;"><strong>Sumatra Journal of Disaster, Geography and Geography Education (SJDGGE)</strong> is an international journal published twice a year in June and December by The Master Program of Geography Education, Universitas Negeri Padang in cooperation with The Center for Disaster and Environmental Studies, Center for Watershed Study, and Center for Community Aspiration and Population Studies. The Sumatra Journal of Disaster, Geography and Geography Education welcomes authoritative, original, ably illustrated, and well-written manuscripts on any topic of disaster, geographical, importance related to Indonesian cases and geography education in the world. The Journal publishes Articles, Technical Notes, Rapid Communications, Opinion Papers, Comments/Responses and Corrections. The submitted manuscript is first reviewed by an editor. It will be evaluated in the office whether it is suitable with our focus and scope or has a major methodological flaw. Every submitted manuscript which pass this step will be checked to identify any plagiarism before being reviewed by reviewers. This journal uses double-blind review, The manuscript will be sent to the reviewer anonymously. Publish With 3 Isues : (1) Disaster, (2) Geography, and (3) Geography Education. Each Issues of at Least 6 Articles and a Maximum of 20 Articles for Each Issues</p> <p style="background-color: #fffbce; text-align: justify;">Sumatra Journal of Disaster, Geography and Geography Education is biannually published in June and December by the Master Program of Geography Education, Universitas Negeri Padang in cooperation with the Center for Disaster and Environmental Studies, Center for Watershed Study, and Center for Community Aspiration and Population Studies.</p> <p>&nbsp;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <p style="background-color: #ff6600; text-align: center;"><strong>Call for Papers for Vol 2. No.2 December 2018</strong><br><br><strong>Submission Deadline: November 15, 2018 ;&nbsp; Issue: 1. Disaster ; 2. Geography ; 3. Geography Education</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> en-US (Prof. Dr. Dedi Hermon, MP) (Rudi Mahesa) Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Assessment of Waianae’s Vulnerability to a Category 4 Hurricane <p><strong>This research assesses the vulnerability of Waianae, a Census County Division on the northwest quadrant of Oahu, to a Category 4 hurricane. Combining socio-economic and risk assessment analyses, the study reveals that Waianae is highly susceptible to hurricane impacts, given its historical exposure and socio-economic disparities. The socio-economic vulnerabilities, including lower income, higher poverty rates, and increased unemployment, are compounded by physical vulnerabilities, such as limited access via Farrington Highway. Utilizing tools like HAZUS-MH and ArcGIS, the study quantifies potential damages, debris generation, social impacts, and economic losses in the event of a hurricane. The findings emphasize the urgent need for resilience-building measures, including local job creation, development of emergency shelters, and exploration of alternative evacuation routes. Addressing these vulnerabilities will enhance Waianae's preparedness and mitigate the potential impact of future hurricanes, fostering a more resilient and secure community.</strong></p> Jafar Jafar, Shubhanshu Jain, Wisnu Erlangga ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 03 Jan 2025 04:19:18 +0000 Analysis of Disaster Knowledge, Preparedness, and Perceptions on Mitigation Strategies in Kota Sabang Urban Development Planning as a Disaster-Prone Tourist Destination <p>ABSTRACT: This study aims to analyze the knowledge, preparedness, and perceptions of the community regarding appropriate and effective disaster mitigation strategies in the urban development planning of Sabang City, a tourist destination vulnerable to natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and floods. The research employs a qualitative approach. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with various stakeholders, including government officials, community leaders, and tourists. The results indicate that the level of knowledge and preparedness for disasters among the population in Sabang City varies significantly, with the majority of respondents displaying low awareness and preparedness levels. Factors such as education level and previous disaster experience were found to have a significant influence on community preparedness. Furthermore, the existing mitigation strategies in Sabang City have not been fully effective, particularly in terms of public awareness, education, disaster-resilient infrastructure development, and inter-agency coordination.</p> <p><em>Keywords: </em><em>Disaster Knowledge, Preparedness, Perceptions on Mitigation Strategies</em><em>, </em>Sabang City</p> Muhammad Nur Akmal, Risma Sunarty, Sayed Farysyi Ishak ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Meaning of The Various Decorative Motifs of Traditional Acehnese Houses in the 13th Century As a Cultural Tourism Attraction <p>This research aims to identify and explore the meaning of the decorative motifs on the traditional Acehnese <em>Rumoh</em> Teungku Chik Awe Geutah. This type of research is qualitative research. This research uses primary data and secondary data. Primary data was obtained through direct observation of the condition of the Teungku Chik Awe Geutah <em>rumoh </em>site, while secondary data was obtained through journals. Data collection techniques through observation and documentation. Data analysis techniques include; data reduction, data display, data interpretation, and drawing conclusions. The research results show that; The decorative motifs of Aceh's traditional<em> Rumoh</em> Teungku Chik Awe Geutah include;&nbsp; 1) <em>Bungong Meulu</em>, symbolizes the beauty, fertility, fragrance and holiness of the land of Aceh, 2) <em>Bungong Awan-Awan</em>, has the meaning of power and greatness of Allah and gratitude, 3) <em>Puta Taloe</em>, as a symbol of guardian and strength, 4) <em>Tapak Catoe</em>, contains the meaning of intelligence in deciding something and taking the right steps by relying on faith, effort and prayer, 5) <em>Bungong Kala</em>, symbolizes the beauty and fertility of the land of Aceh, 6) <em>Bungong Lampu Gantung</em>, symbolizes beauty and is a form of creativity of the Acehnese people, 7) <em>Bungong Apeng, and Bungong Mata Uroe</em> symbolize the beauty and fertility of the land of Aceh, 8) <em>Bungong Seumanga</em> has the meaning of prosperity, prosperity, harmony, beauty and fragrance, 9) <em>Bungong Seuleupok,</em> has the meaning of beauty and fertility, 10) <em>Awan Sitangke</em>, has the meaning of power and the greatness of Allah, 11) <em>Bungong Pucok Reubong</em>, has the meaning that everything in social, cultural and customary matters must be based on cooperation and mutual assistance between people, 12) <em>Ceureupa,</em> functions as a place for betel used by the people of Aceh</p> Eviana Sonata, Rahmi Novalita Rahmi Novalita, Rambang Muharramsyah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Impact of E-Modules on Students’ Critical Thinking Skills <p>E-modules is one of electronic learning materials more useful and efficient in 21<sup>st</sup> learning. The objectives of this study are to develop an e-module, measure its feasibility and analyze its impact on students’ critical thinking in the Learning Media Course. ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation) was used in this study. A quasi-experimental research design was carried out to analyze the impact of using e-modules on critical thinking. A total of 40 students in the fourth semester of the Geography Education Department, Social Sciences Faculty, Universitas Negeri Medan were participated in this research. Data collection was used questionnaires and an essay test. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were performed for data analysis. The statistical test carried out was a t-test. The research findings showed that the e-module was feasible to apply in lectures and significantly improved students’ critical thinking.</p> Tumiar Sidauruk, Fitra Delita, Nurmala Berutu, Eni Yuniastuti, Elfayetti Elfayetti ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Using Frequency Ratio-Based Fuzzy Logic Approach in Lima Puluh Kota Regency <p>One of the non-linear models for determining landslide-prone areas is the fuzzy logic method. This research aims to determine the landslide prone zoning map in Limapuluh Kota Regency, by using fuzzy gamma operations in GIS, from 11 factors: aspect, curvature, elevation, slope, landform, geology, proximity to stream, landcover, rainfall intensity, NDVI and soil. The data used is 149 landslide events in Limapuluh Kota Regency. The data was processed using the factors that cause landslides with a train and test ratio of 60: 40. The research results show that by using γ = 0.975, an area with high landslide characteristics was obtained covering an area of 28,463 ha (8.79%), with a medium area of 76,544 ha (23.64%) and low area of 218,820 (65.57%). By validating using the ROC curve and test data, an AUC value of 0.746 was obtained, which means the accuracy level of the resulting map is high.</p> Surtani Surtani, Ahyuni - Ahyuni, Hamdi Nur, Alifah Tahsya, Dina Rahayu Eliza Prisma ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 03 Jan 2025 09:46:43 +0000 Social Education Management of Cultural Tourism Objects Post Covid-19 in Aceh Province, Indonesia <p>This study aims to describe about; 1) the implementation of the social education model for managing cultural tourism objects after Covid 19, 2) the effectiveness of the social education model for managing cultural tourism objects after Covid 19 using the tourism awareness education module. This type of research is Research and Development (R&amp;D) research using the ADDIE model. The subject of the development is the community as a tourism-aware group of the Makam Syuhada Lapan amounting to 20 people. The sampling technique used incidental sampling. The results showed that; 1) implementation of the social education model for managing cultural tourism objects through the following stages: a) prospective participants, b) selection of prospective participants, c) socialization of the introduction of tourism awareness learning programs using modules, d) implementation of tourism awareness learning programs, e) mentoring. 2) The effectiveness of social education in managing cultural tourism objects using modules is considered effective in terms of improving learning outcomes in group 1 and group 2. This proves that social education has been effective in providing awareness to the public in managing cultural tourism objects</p> Rahmi Novalita Rahmi Novalita, Sri Wahyuni, Sumanti Sumanti, Muhammad Ali ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Climate Change and Resilience of Independent Villages (IDM), Ecological Resilience Index (Ikl) Review and Nature-Base Solutions <p>Village Development Index (IDM) classifies the level of village development into distinct categories, such as Independent Village, Advanced Village, Developing Village, Underdeveloped Village, and Very Underdeveloped Village. Each village is guided to improve its social, economic, and ecological quality. A sound ecological quality also supports resilience and sustainability in its socio-economic conditions. Pendoworejo Village in Girimulyo Subdistrict and Pagerharjo Village in Samigaluh Subdistrict were classified as underdeveloped villages in 2016. However, by 2023, according to the Village Development Index (IDM), both villages had achieved the status of independent villages. the development of the tourism sector has become a key driver for diversifying rural community members' incomes, thereby boosting regional economic development. Sustainable management of the natural environment, based on its ecosystem, is an integral component of Nature-Based Solutions.</p> Arry Retnowati, Dyah Rahmawati Hisbaron, Alia Fajarwati, Muh Isnaini S, Khusnul Intan Fajar, Gonxha Obed ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 08 Jan 2025 03:39:00 +0000 Disaster Mitigation Through Community Education: A Study of Evacuation Knowledge ln Lapindo Mud Area <p>The phenomenon of the Lapindo Mudflow that occurred on May 29, 2006, in Sidoarjo, East Java Province has entered its 17th year after the disaster with a continuous overflow until now. One of the disaster mitigation methods to handle the threat of wider mudflow to more densely populated areas is with the construction of embankments. Glagaharum Village on Porong is directly adjacent to the outer barrier with a distance of ± 500 meters, and between the village and the embankment is only a meter-wide tributary before reaches the village road. This research was arranged descriptively with a quantitative method. This method was used to find out the community's knowledge about evacuation routes and places through questionnaires. Researchers used the parameters of age, gender, and education as a binary logistic regression test. The binary logistic regression test showed that the education parameter had more influence on knowledge of evacuation locations; next was gender, and lastly was age. Education influences education level, literacy level, and critical thinking skills. Meanwhile, the female gender had difficulties regulating emotions when circumstances were urgent. So, the importance of increasing literacy and adding special training for women was needed to increase equality in the knowledge of evacuation locations.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Mohamad Ferdaus Noor Aulady, Rizqa Nurun Dina Andhima ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 08 Jan 2025 03:56:37 +0000 Emotional Intelligence of Students at Public Elementary Schools in Pegasing District <p>This research aims to describe the emotional intelligence of students in state elementary schools in Pegasing District. The type of research is quantitative descriptive. The research population was 106 class V students of public elementary schools in gugus 2 Pegasing District. The sampling technique used the Slovin formula with a total sample of 84 students. Research data collection techniques use observation, questionnaires and documentation. The data analysis technique uses percentage analysis. The research results show that students' emotional intelligence is classified as good, this result is seen from several aspects; first, self-intelligence 83.40% good category, second, self-control 83.90% good category, third, self-motivation 83.88% good category, fourth, empathy 85.1% category, good, five, social skills 84 % good category.</p> Marwan Marwan, Alfi Syahrin, Rambang Muharramsyah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 10 Jan 2025 03:01:29 +0000 Implementation of the Gayo Cultural Values System as School Culture <p>This research aims to describe the implementation of the Gayo cultural values ​​system as school culture at Kuta Panang 10 Public Elementary School. This type of research is qualitative research. Research informants are key informants. The informants were the deputy principal, teachers and students of Kuta Panang 10 Public Elementary School. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques use data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusions. The results of the research show that the Kuta Panang 10 public elementary school has well implemented the Gayo cultural value system as a school culture which consists of; orderly, loyal (<em>setie</em>), affection (<em>semayang–gemasih</em>), hard work (<em>mutentu</em>), trustworthy, deliberative (<em>genap mupakat</em>), mutually helpful (<em>alang tulun</em>g) and competitive (<em>bersikekemelen</em>).</p> Fitris Mahani, Rahmi Novalita Rahmi Novalita, Hariki Fitrah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 12 Feb 2025 03:39:19 +0000 Practical Regional Cultural Values in Forming Student Character in Primary Schools in Central Aceh Regency <p>This research aims to explore the praxis of regional cultural values in the student character formation of Primary schools in Central Aceh Regency. The methodology in this research is qualitative research with an ethnographic approach. The research was conducted at three Central Aceh Regency schools: State Elementary School 7 Atu Lintang, State Elementary School 6 Bebesen, and State Elementary School 10 Kuta Panang. Data was collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. The informants in this research consisted of school principals, teachers, and students. Data analysis was carried out through domain, taxonomic, componential, and cultural theme analyses. The results of the research show that several forms of regional culture are developed in schools in forming student character, namely (1) at State Elementary School 7 Atu Lintang; wear traditional clothing or Karawang Gayo every Thursday, (2) at State Elementary School 6 Bebesen: use local language or Gayo every Thursday, both in learning activities and outside class hours, (3) at State Elementary School 10 Kuta Panang; emphasizes the character values that exist in a society which are developed in school life such as <em>semayang gemesih, tertib </em>and<em> setie.</em></p> Rambang Muharramsyah, Hariki Fitrah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 12 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000