Investigation Volcanic Land Form and Mapping Landslide Potential at Mount Talang

  • Isra Haryati Diva Student Geography of Science, Padang State University, INDONESIA
  • Usqo Irwanto Student Geography of Science, Padang State University, INDONESIA
  • Khairul Nizam Student Geography of Science, Padang State University, INDONESIA
  • Latifa Annur Student Geography of Science, Padang State University, INDONESIA
  • Dhanu Sekarjati Student Geography of Science, Padang State University, INDONESIA
  • Beben Graha Putra Student Geography of Science, Padang State University, INDONESIA
  • Yuliana Safitri Student Remote Sensing Technology, Padang State University, INDONESIA
  • Eggy Arya Giovandi Student Geography of Science, Padang State University, INDONESIA
  • Adenan Yandra Nofrizal student Geography of Science, Padang State University, INDONESIA
  • Muhammad Hanif Graduate of Geography Science, Padang State University, INDONESIA
  • Akina Abe Experts from Volcano Associations, JAPAN


The survey geomorphology, it is the one apart of applied geomorphology. In case has done investigation character of geomorphological landscape of Mount Talang and mapping of landslide hazard potential. In this research has used some method, the first field observation and sampling for geomorphology character study were conducted. Second the mapping landslide hazard used method the MAFF Japan where integrating physical field data and spatial data using geographic information system. The results of this study where found some volcanic morphology, volcanic cones, upper slopes, middle slope, lower slopes, foot slope, and volcanic plain. The landslide hazard, where involving sources of observation and sampling for the study of geomorphological characters. From the research has found the landslide hazard in four zone, zone (I) land stable and low hazard potential large 9 ha, zone (II) land enough stable and middle hazard potential large 12.295 ha, zone (III) land less stable and high hazard potential large 1.118 ha, and Zone (IV) land unstable and highest hazard potential 0.1 ha. The typical of geomorphology, morphometry, and land use it has really influence to landslide potential to landslide hazard.


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