Membership Benefits
Benefits of Membership
- Receive Membership ID/Certificate
- Use M.S.L. after your name (M=Member, S=SJDGGE, L=Life)
- Be involved in SJDGGE technical committees and activities
- Be up-to-date on current development in the field
- Priority right to participate in international conferences with 20% discount
- 20% discount for Journal paper publication
- Vote in the election of SJDGGE officers
- Access to the Journal webpage
- Qualify Best Paper Award Application
Membership Fees:
Annual Member-50 USD/year
Life Member-100 USD only
Membership Fiscal Year January-December
Membership Starts in Paying Year
Journal Paper fees: 100 USD/paper of 8 pages with maximum 5 authors
(add 50 USD/page for additional pages and 50 USD/author for additional authors)