Social Impact of Foreign Labor Migration in Malaysia

  • Erna liza Graduate Student of Geography Education, Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia
  • Sri Mulyati Binti Setu Student of Geography,Malaya University, Malaysia
Keywords: The impact of migration, Labor, foreign


In economy perception, the phenomenon of foreign  labormigration in Malaysia might cause a socio-psychological impact, in this case a negative impact, on the labor's family left in the home country. Foreign labors in Malaysia, especially the male ones who are also the head of  family, have changed their family's life pattern.This change disturbs their lives and, in most cases, sometimes could lead to stress andfamily problems. Human migration is a phenomenon inseparable from development process inIndonesia. It is found in many regions in Indonesia.  Indonesia is an example of a country where the phenomenon of interzonal migration andinternational migration happen everytime. One of the nearest country where many Indonesian labors migrate is Malaysia.


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