An Analysis of Land Use Change, Spatial Plan and Regional Development Level in Bogor City

  • Santun R.P. Sitorus Bogor Agricultural University (Ipb)
  • Dwi Septiana Mayasary Study Program of Land Resource Management, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University
Keywords: Land Use Change, Regional Development Level, Bogor City



Bogor City is located 60 kms from the Indonesian Capital Jakarta and 120 kms from Bandung the capital of West Java Province. Strategic agricultural land and inexpensive land prices have to invest in agricultural and non-agricultural sectors. Land use conversion is inevitable, although the government has set up the regulation to control land usage (Act No 26 year 2007). This research are conducted: (1) To analyze existing land use of Bogor City (land use in 2014). (2) To analyze the land use change in period of 2005-2012. (3) To analyze the consistency of existing land use  compare to spatial allocation in the RTRW of Bogor City. (4) To identify regional development hierarchy levels in Bogor City. (5) To determine factors that influence land use change. This research was started with a land use map that was retrieved from an administrative map 1: 5000 scales to Iconos image of Bogor City in years of 2005 and 2012. Consistency and inconsistency were obtained by overlaying the 2012 land use map and land allocation map of Bogor City years 2011-2031 (RTRW map). PODES is used to determine the regional hierarchy level by multiple regression methods. Existing land use classified into 9 land use, in sequence from the largest one are: mixed garden, irreguler settlement, rice field, reguler settlement, trading area, water body, dryland farm, open land and government office area. Dryland farm land use changes into 2 land use, open field land use change into 6 land use and rice field land use change into 6 land use. The consistent use of the existing land use compare to RTRW is 40.95% while inconsistence existing land use is 59.05%. During the period of 2006 to 2012, most of the regional development hierarchies in Bogor City were relatively constant (42 villages / 61.8%), 12 villages (17.6%) are increasing in the hierarchy, whereas 14 villages (20.6%) are decreasing in the hierarchy. Factors that influencing land use change of Bogor City in the period of 2005-2012 are: the extent of ​​agricultural land in 2005, the growth of social facilities, and the growth of economy facilities.

Keywords : Land Use Conversion, Land Use Inconsistency, Regional Hierarchy, Spatial Plan.


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