Aplication Multi Vegetation Index to Mapping Magrove Distribution Coast Environtment Northeast Province of Aceh, Indonesia

  • Muhammad Hanif Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Tommy Adam Universitas Negeri Padang
Keywords: Mapping Mangrove, Costal Environment, Remote Sensing


The mangrove such forest very important at coastal ecosystem and environment. The purpose of the research to mapping mangrove distribution at the coast environment using multi vegetation index, comparison accuracy assessment to mapping mangrove area. The method of the research use by multi imagery transformation as NDVI, Infrared II, SAVI, EVI and Maximum Likelihood. Data on the research have using by Landsat OLI8, tools use by ENVI 5.0 and ArcGIS 10.1. Optimizing the used of data from Landsat satellite imagery for mapping mangrove found where sharper appearance mangrove area in the gray scale image of the results of the analysis of vegetation transformation NDVI, Infrared II, SAVI and EVI showing difference specification, but also found has founded difference objects of interpreted it was showing like shadows of cloud be the another object. To classification on mangrove object is seen from the results of density slicing of transformation value to classing vegetation. The percentage accuracy of image prove some dominant image transformation is able to indicate a more optimal mangrove and mangrove separating the object is not present, but the accuracy of the data analysis result has variations, refers to the number of samples used


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