Socio-Economic Analysis And Education Level of the Community in Bukit Malintang Village, Sungai Aur Subdistrict, West Pasaman Regency

  • Dedi Iswara Master of Geography Education, Universitas Negeri Padang - Indonesia
  • Paus Iskarni Master of Geography Education, Universitas Negeri Padang - Indonesia
  • Deded Chandra Master of Geography Education, Universitas Negeri Padang - Indonesia


Study This aim know description condition social economics and description level education in Bukit Malintang Village , Sungai Aur District , District West Pasaman in West Sumatra Province . Analysis is done using secondary data and surveys field . Research _ This use approach descriptive qualitative Study This focus analysis on conditions social and economic public Bukit Malintang Village which includes amount population , number of households, background behind ethnicity , religion, interaction social , age , level education , income , and employment ( eyes livelihood ). explain existing phenomenon _ with give description in a manner clear and appropriate with facts on the ground in detail later served in form map , As for the method data collection , namely primary data and secondary data , which was carried out with method survey right on location research and obtained through Bappeda . As for the results analysis performed _ in Bukit Malintang Village The nationality of the Aur River is village resident transmigrants _ originate from The majority of Lolo intersections resident dominant is ethnic group mandailing and a small portion ethnic group java . Livelihoods are dominated by farmers _ garden palm with with percentage of 57.5 %, as farmer besides palm ie paddy fields or fields by 35%, percentage  resident as civil servants 5% and residents as head elementary school 2.5%. Resident own income per month with amount Rp . 2,000,000, - the most dominating with percentage of 57.5%. Group working age and as _ head the average family is dominated in the group aged 45-49 years with percentage of 57.5%. At the average education level of the population in Bukit Malintang Village is school elementary (SD) with the percentage is 62.5% and the education level of children in Bukit Malintang Village is also at the highest level Elementary School (SD) but already 17.07% of the population has children Already up to Undergraduate Education (S1).


Keywords: Condition Social , Economic, Education, Village transmigrants


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