Koto Baru Market as Efforts to Improve the Community Economy in X Koto District, Tanah Datar Regency

  • Fismanelly Fismanelly Postgraduate(Social Science Education), Universitas Negeri Padang – Indonesia
  • Maria Montessori Department of Social Sciences, Universitas Negeri Padang – Indonesia
Keywords: Koto Baru Market, Economic Improvement, Tanah Datar District


The purpose of this study is to examine the Koto Baru Market as an effort to improve the economy of the community in X Koto sub-district, Tanah Datar Regency.  Using descriptive research using qualitative methods, that is, providing an overview of research questions related to the potential of traditional markets to improve the community's economy. Koto baru Traditional market research uses this type of research because qualitative research usually examines the behavior and activities of an organization to obtain as much information as possible. About the possibility of traditional markets to improve the economy of the koto baru community which is the focus of research researchers.  Then all information received in the field is collected in the form of words, such as words/behaviors and judgments, with the natural background of the person as an environment. This knowledge is then used to explain and describe the social phenomenon being studied. Qualitative methods are used to get deep data, some data contains meaning, meaning is actual data, solid data is something valuable behind visible data.

             Pasar Koto Baru is  located in Kenagarian Koto Baru,   X Koto  District, Tanah Datar  Regency which is very  strategically  located and very easy to reach because of easy  road access. Pasar  Koto Baru is  a market  that   is included in the  category of old markets  because it was established  in approximately 1895,  the  Koto Baru market  which was originally very simple finally gradually  changed until it became a traditional market. On  this day the koto baru market has  experienced a  fairly rapid development The   koto baru market  operates on  Mondays and   Tuesdays, but at  this time the koto baru market   It has started operating on  Sundays starting  at noon ranging from 13.00 WIB to 18.00 WIB.   The presence of the new   koto market  has sought to improve the community's economy, with the  existence of this koto baru market people's   income increases and  social interaction of  the community  is increasing.


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