The Development of Index Card Match Model in learning Eartquake Mitigation in Indonesia

A Case Sstudy in SMA Negeri 6 in Kerinci Regency

  • Yeva Lenda Mahyastuti Student of Geography Education Master Program, Faculty of Social Sciences, Universitas Negeri Padang
Keywords: Development, Index Card Match Model, Earthquake mitigation


the purposes of this research are(1) Developing Index Card MatchModel in learning earthquake mitigation in Indonesia(2) to now the effectivenes of Index Card Match Model in learning earthquake mitigation in Indonesia(3) Improve students learning outcomes in learning earthquake mitigation in Indonesia a. This research is a RnD research (research and development) by following the steps suggested by Sugiyono. the study was conducted in SMA Negeri 6 in Kerinci Regency. The sample was determined through simple random sampling. The data was collected by using teacher questionnaire and student questionnaire. the rpoduct to be developed was Index Card Matchyang model implemented in teaching and learning the materials of eartquake mitigation in Indonesia. the model had been validated by model and material experts and then being tesed. The result found that there was a significant difference between students’ learning outcomes before and after the development of model. After calculating the data, t-test value was setelah sig(2-tailed) 0,000. This means, Ho (null Hypothesis) was rejected and H1 (researcher hypothesis) was accepted. in other words, there a significant result of pretest and post test.


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